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Wednesday, 16 August 2017

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Most used 100 antonyms


1. Inevitable- Avoidable
2. Exceptional- Common
3. Permanent- Temporary
4. Dim- Luminous
5. Reckless- Careful
6. Explicit- Ambiguous
7. Incredible- Believable
8. Repel- Attract
9. Rapidly- Slowly
10. Meticulous- Careless
11. Barbarous- Civilized
12. Successor- Predecessor
13. Urban- Rural
14. Conclusive- Indecisive
15. Terminate-Begin
16. Niggardly- Lavishly
17. Advanced- Receded
18. Enlightened- Ignorant
19. Moderate- Extreme
20. Superficial- Thorough
21. Scorn- Admiration
22. Trivial- Serious
23. Loquacious- Reserved
24. Confiscate- Release
25. Often- Rarely
26. Eminent- Notorious
27. Embark upon- Conclude
28. Diffidence- Boldness
29. Paucity- Plenty
30. Triggered- Choked
31. Fastidious- Adjustable
32. Grandiose- Simple
33. Bleak- Bright
34. Insolent- Humble
35. Lurid- Mild
36. Unscrupulous- Conscientious
37. Melodious- Tuneless
38. Contaminate- Purify
39. Frugal- Extravagant
40. Falling off- Improvement
41. Genial- Unkind
42. Shallow- Deep
43. Immune- Vulnerable
44. Veneration- Disrespect
45. Yield to- Resist
46. Concur- Disagree
47. Vague- Precise
48. Humility- Pride
49. Extol- Censure
50. Takes off- Lands
51. Demolish- Build
52. Prevent- Induce
53. Frailty- Strength
54. Collapse- Rise
55. Anxious- Carefree
56. Thrifty- Wasteful
57. Innovate- Copy
58. Enduring- Fleeting
59. Progressive- Retrogressive
60. Purposely- Unintentionally
61. Brave- Timid
62. Opaque- Transparent
63. Hinder- Encourage
64. Zeal- Apathy
65. Shimmering-Gloomy
66. Plausible- Implausible/
67. Flair- Inability
68. Dormant- Active
69. Hazy- Clear
70. Fantastic- Ordinary
71. Asceticism- Luxury
72. Dissolution- Establishment
73. Unnerved- Confident
74. Harmony- Disagreement
75. Guilty- Innocent
76. Duplicity- Honesty
77. Jocular- Morose
78. Uncompromising- Flexible
79. Desecration- Consecration
80. Far-fetched- Realistic
81. Parallel- Crooked
82. Blocked- Facilitated
83 Turn coat- Loyal
84. Embellish- Spoil
85. Intentional- Accidental
86. Expand- Contract
87. Stimulate- Discourage
88. Perilous- Safe
89. Audacious- Timid
90. Quiet- Pandemonium
91. Genuine- Fictitious
92. Implicit- Explicit
93. Repulsive- Attractive
94. Escalate- Decrease
95. Commotion- Tranquility
96. Manifested- Concealed
97. Vindictive- Forgiving
98. Inaugurate- Terminate
99. Detest- Like
100. Commence- Conclude
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