Mispronounced words:
1. Asterisk : as-ter-isk, not as-ter-ik
Asterisk: a symbol (*) used in text as a pointer to an annotation or footnote.
2. Disastrous: di-zas-tres, not di-zas-ter-es
Disastrous: causing great damage.
3. Nuclear: noo-klee-ur, not noo-kyu-lur
Nuclear: denoting, possessing, or involving weapons using nuclear energy.
4. Prerogative: pre-rog-a-tive, not per-rog-a-tive
Prerogative: a right or privilege exclusive to a particular individual or class.
5. Spurious: spyoor-ee-us, not spur-ee-us
Spurious: not being what it purports to be; false or fake.
6. Triathlon: try-ath-lon, not try-ath-a-lon
Triathlon: an athletic contest consisting of three different events, typically swimming, cycling, and long-distance running.
7. Peremptory: per-emp-tuh-ree, not pre-emp-tuh-ree
Peremptory: insisting on immediate attention or obedience, especially in a brusquely imperious way.
8. Etcetera: et-set-er-a, not ek-set-er-a
Etcetera: used at the end of a list to indicate that further, similar items are included.
9. Nuptial: nup-shul, not nup-shoo-al
Nuptial: relating to marriage or weddings.
10. Picture: pik-cher, not pit-cher
Picture: a painting or drawing.
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